
K5 Insurance 5 steps to Protect your home from Freezing Temperatures.
Before your cuddle up on the couch to ride out the winter, here are a five tips to make your winter easier on your home and your pocket!!

  1. Protect your waterlines. Outdoor waterlines and sprinkler systems should be disconnected, drained and insulated. Indoor waterlines located in cold spaces can be wrapped in insulation and if there is the risk of the water freezing, keep the water flowing. Both hot and cold faucets should be set to a slow drip, with the cabinets open to warm the pipes.
  2. Check for holes and cracks. Even a small hole where cable or phone lines enter your home can cause a loss of heat. Use foam insulation to close up holes and weather stripping to block cracks around a door. Window plastic can add insulation to a drafty window. Insulate your electrical outlets to minimize small gaps.
  3. Stow away your tools, toys and other valuable items. These things are susceptible to freezing weather as well. Freezing water can crack a lawn ornament, bench or other item in your yard, wind, sun and snow can fade and damage your furniture. Keep your bikes dry to minimize rust and in a safe space to decrease the chance of plastic getting banged when it is cold and brittle.
  4.  Replace your Furnace filter. When they are dirty and clogged with dust and pet hair, your furnace has to work so much harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. You may consider changing them every 30 to 90 days.
  5. Insulate your hot water tank. A water heater jacket can save you money on your water heating bill every month, and decrease the heat losses by more than 25%. Be sure it has an insulation rate of between 11 and 24, does not wrap all the way to the top or bottom of the tank or cover the pilot light.

Maintenance and prevention are vital to ensuring your home policy will cover you in the event of a claim. Be sure to do your part to prevent damage that may not be covered.
