

K5-Tips K5 Insurance 5 steps to Protect your vacant Property. Before you leave for the cabin or a few days out of town, or if you are selling your home and it’s sitting on the market, take the time to understand your insurance coverage and follow up with these 5 steps...

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Winterize RV

Winterize RV

K5-Tips K5 Insurance 5 steps to Winterize your RV That chill you feel is mother nature whispering that summer is over. Like a hibernating animal, we need to prepare for winter. These 5 steps will help you to extend the life of your RV by protecting it from...

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Prevent Icedams

Prevent Icedams

K5-Tips K5 Insurance 5 steps to Prevent Ice dams Glistening beautiful icicles lining your roof are a sign of a destructive condition call ice damming. Ice is building up between the snow and your shingles, and sometimes between and underneath your shingles causing...

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Freezing Temperatures

Freezing Temperatures

K5-Tips K5 Insurance 5 steps to Protect your home from Freezing Temperatures.Before your cuddle up on the couch to ride out the winter, here are a five tips to make your winter easier on your home and your pocket!! Protect your waterlines. Outdoor waterlines and...

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